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Case Studies

Case Studies

Case Studies

Case Studies

Expanding the Role of Respiratory Therapy

A Respiratory Therapist Approach to Continuity of Care



An integrated health system serving one of the nation’s largest metropolitan areas empowered respiratory therapists to achieve the systemwide goal of lower COPD readmissions.

The Challenge


The integrated health system wanted to implement a COPD management pathway that spans the continuum of care from initial COPD exacerbation to the home setting.

The Approach


Respiratory therapists served as COPD navigators, coordinating disease management for the full continuum of care

  • Inpatient: assessed and educated patients according to a guideline-based algorithm that ensured consistent care and messaging
  • Discharge: communicate with the patient and multidisciplinary team to facilitate a seamless transition of care
  • Outpatient: ensure continuity of care and ongoing communication following discharge



A care pathway that involved respiratory therapists across the full care continuum, from inpatient to outpatient, resulted in a reduction in COPD readmissions.


COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


Data on file. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.