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Patients Struggle at Key Points Along the Type 2 Diabetes and CV Disease Journey

Opportunities exist to educate and engage patients

For this growing population of patients, managing and living with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular (CV) disease is challenging. Providers and health systems have the opportunity to improve patient and caregiver experiences at multiple touchpoints.
  • patient and care provider

    Patient Identification and Education

    Patients with T2D are 2 times more likely to die from CV disease.1

    Download materials to help educate and engage patients

    Download materials to help educate and engage patients

  • patient and care provider

    Treatment Plan Development and Risk Stratification

    99% of patients with T2D and CV disease say that if they knew they were at increased risk for CV events, they would have done something about it.2

    Empower patients with materials to help them understand disease complications and symptoms.

    Empower patients with materials to help them understand disease complications and symptoms.

  • patient and care provider

    Care Transitions

    Care transitions can cause care delivery breakdown for high-risk comorbid patients with T2D and CV disease.3

    Learn about the effect of Vidant Medical Center's multidisciplinary transitions of care program on patients with diabetes

    Learn about the effect of Vidant Medical Center's multidisciplinary transitions of care program on patients with diabetes

  • patient and care provider

    Care Management

    Approximately 50% of patients with T2D are nonadherent or discontinue treatment.4

    Explore a program to help patients along their diabetes journey

    Explore a program to help patients along their diabetes journey

  • patient and care provider

    Addressing Health Disparities

    Only 20% of Black and Latina women know that heart disease is the number 1 killer in women.5

    Explore helpful resources to support prioritizing heart failure in high-risk populations

    Explore helpful resources to support prioritizing heart failure in high-risk populations